Center for New Climate Innovations

Prof. Ray Kwon Chung

Director of the Center for New Climate Innovations


The Center will have the following mission in carrying out its activities:
– Promoting a New Paradigm of Green Economy that aims to turn climate
crisis into economic growth and job creation opportunities;
– Promoting New Climate Economics and sustainable Economics that
internalize ecological and social costs and benefits into the market price of Free
Market economics that treats the environment and society as externality and
free goods;
– Identifying innovative economic policy options that focus on synergizing
short term economic growth with long term sustainability based of New
Climate Economics that aims to internalize ecological costs and carbon price
into the market price, investment decisions and resource allocation;
– Proposing innovative technology projects that could turn Net Zero 2025
as business, investment and job creation opportunities;
– Initiating training programs to educate Green Economy and Green
Growth experts who could lead Green Future of Uzbekistan;
– Developing international collaboration with international organizations,
development banks, public and private institutions and academia.


The followings are the strategic priorities of the Center:
– Developing and proposing Innovative Climate Policies to the Government
of Uzbekistan;
Explore policy options and identify strategies that could internalize
ecological costs into the market price without negative impact on economic
growth and excessive burden on business through a gradual and step by step
long term approach thus promoting sustainable production and consumption
patterns that support Green Economy and Net Zero 2050 Goal.
Examples of priority innovative policy options are:
price differentiation schemes of green energy to provide price options for
consumers to choose;
ecological tax reform of reducing income tax and introducing carbon tax
that could bring about the double dividend of higher economic growth and
lower emission;
development of methodologies for measuring invisible ecological and
social costs and benefits so that these invisible costs and benefits could be
visible and incorporated into the investment decision making of the national
economy of Uzbekistan.
– Developing innovative projects that could contribute to the target of Net
Zero 2050 vision of Uzbekistan.
Examples of priority project ideas:
developing Silk Road Super Grid that promotes Uzbekistan as production
center of solar and wind green electricity to be exported to Korea and Europe;
converting cotton fields into solar field to save water for Aral Sea and
supply green electricity to run electric buses to improve air quality in the major
identifying Waste to Energy projects that could recover bio energy from
domestic and industrial waste without any harmful impact on environment for
energy-waste-climate solutions;
developing a project to improve the air quality of Tashkent by improving
the quality of heating sources and green transport.
– Developing on-line and off-line training modules for certifying green
economy and green growth experts,
Examples of priority programs:
collaboration with the UN ESCAP in Bangkok to develop on-line training
collaboration with universities and institutions from abroad to cooperate
for exchange programs.
– Promoting international collaborations with international entities to
develop partnership programs and funding support for innovative climate
policies, projects and programs,
Examples of priority partnerships;
seeking funding support for Converting Cotton Fields into Solar Fields to
save Aral Sea;
seeking funding support for Tashkent air quality improvement projects.


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Bachelor Of Science in Business Administration

1810 Campus Way NE
Bothell, WA 98011-8246


Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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