A meeting was held at the Faculty of International Tourism with a representative of the German Embassy in Tashkent Simon Kretschmer

German language students were informed about grants, which give them the opportunity to attend summer language courses and study for a master’s degree in Germany.

General rules for scholarship programs:

All scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. The competition is held by an independent expert committee, consisting of professors specially invited from German universities.

The competition consists of two stages. At the first stage, the documents of candidates will be considered. At the same time, they are tested for compliance with the established requirements (regulations, biography, diploma, certificate, etc.)

The results of the competition, exam scores, the level of knowledge of German or English, scientific qualifications, the quality and relevance of the research project, relations with a German university, and the invitation of a German professor will be taken into account.

Only a complete set of documents will be submitted to the selection committee. The applicant is responsible for the complete execution of documents.

It is impossible to attach the original documents to the set of documents, as they are not returned to the owners!